Saturday 8 May 2021

How to Cook Bacon in the Oven

Everyone loves bacon, though sometimes it can be splatter and greasy. The basic mistake when people cook bacon is, using a pan. Well, we are not against cooking bacon in a frying pan but are against that thing which is happened against cooking bacon in a pan like splattering, etc.

Read also: pan for roasting vegetable

So to fix that we are going to use a bacon sheet and the right tray.

Today we are going to batch cooking bacon. We are going to tell you how to cook bacon in the oven properly. And believe my it is so much easier as compared to cooking on a stovetop, plus you don't have to deal with the mess of splatter grease everywhere. 

First of all, I am going to spread bacon pieces on the cooking tray which is coved by the cooking sheet. You don't have to cover your's but it makes it easy to clean try after done cooking. 

I will use cold bacon pieces because when it becomes hot they will stretch and lose. While spreading all the pieces one by one makes sure do not overlap pieces. 

After doing all the stuff, place the tray into a cold oven and switch on the oven at 400, and keep it baking for 15 minutes. Make sure you check after 10 minutes because you may definitely don't want to burn your bacon. So check it frequently for the last five minutes.

After baking you have to do is remove it from the bacon and place it on a towel to remove grease fully. 

Of course in this process, you need a try and oven so make sure you are using the Best tray for cooking bacon in an oven.

With the right try, you can cook bacon easily and effortlessly. The big advantage of using a pan over a tray is its shape.



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